Step 1: Exhibitor Information
Items marked with the asterisk(*) are required fields.
    Country/Region: *

    Booth Name(English): *

    (Chinese if applicable)

(Booth name will be published on the fascia board and be used in the exhibitor list, which will be included in the CEE website, Visitor’s Guide and Information Board. For application submitted after 20 Sep. 2025, a listing in the printed materials cannot be guaranteed. )
    Please select which categories your institution can be indexed:*




High School

Language Training School

Embassy or Governmental Organization

Joint Programs and Institutions

Student services providers before and after studying abroad (study tour camp, banking, accommodations, insurance, airlines, law office, internet plus & career development companies etc.)

Smart Education Products, Lifelong learing Programs etc.

    Full Address: *

    Website: *

    Name of Organiztation:

    (For contact and invoice, if different from the booth name.)

      Contact person:


      Prefix: *

      First Name: *

      Last Name: *

      Title/Position: *

      Tel. (incl. area code): *

    - -


    Step 1:
    Exhibitor Information
    Step 2:
    Booth Requirement
    Step 3:
    Advertisement Opportunities
    Step 4:
    Other Services
    Step 5: